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Forensic Sales

Most CEOs do not have faith in their revenue forecasts. This causes issues in transparency and planning with the board and challenges company commitments. Through a forensic sales analysis a solid baseline of the company revenue position and forecast can be made, plus a detailed understanding of how to improve the situation.

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The CEO Sales Plan

CEOs often relinquish control of revenue generation to the sales team. This removes their control of the income generation and requires a rethink. By creating a CEO sales plan, it provides clear guidance to the company of the importance of the sales function and the direction the sales teams should pursue. It adds clarity and certainty to the process and rewards the CEO with more trust of the numbers.

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The Right Model Implementation

Once the analysis and planning has been completed, it’s time to execute. Some CEOs understand that having a consistent guide in the process of sales transformation will ensure a stronger outcome and certainty in decision making. This annual support can span the full five year process or a few years depending on the situation.

The basis of the CEO-Led Sales Plan is the Right Model. A model that underpins the three key sections of the book, the Right Clients, the Right Teams and the Right Deals as can be seen in the model below.

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