CEO-Led Sales Book Launch

19th June 2021

A great night was had by all at the Noble Experiment to usher in the official launch of the CEO-Led Sales book. Here are some of the pictures from the event. If you are interested in a conversation regarding the book or how to revitalise your sales team please reach out to me here.

A big thank you to all the people who made the book launch so special. Firstly, to my daughter Clair who made a beautiful speech and helped me tremendously with her support during the book writing process.

CEO led sales book launch .jpg

Then Andrew Ford and his team, from Social Star who assisted with the strategy and production of the book. Without their help it would have been fresh air I was holding at the launch.

Tommy from The Noble Experiment, which hosted us for the launch. What a great venue and the food was amazing.

Tony Anderson, the Wine Matchmaker who provided expert advice on the champagne and wine selection, top shelf!

Finally to all my guests who turned out and helped me celebrate. Thank you so much for making it so enjoyable.

Chloe Janes from Social Star at CEO led sales.jpg
Andrew Phillips and Clair (Phillips) Hawck at CEO led sales.jpg
Dr Luke Crantock and Andrew Phillips at CEO led sales.jpg
Mikki Green from Social Star at CEO led Sales.jpg
Signing books for Mikki Green from Social Star.jpg

Thank you to all my friends who made this event special!

Chris Grierson, Simon Lewis and Mouaz Alnouri_CEO led sales.jpg
Tiarna Pepall from Social Star, ceo led sales.jpg